Streamlined communication
for dynamic teams

Airports · Airlines · EMS

Communicate mission-critical information securely and instantly
with every team member - anywhere in the world.

Goodbye silos. Hello synergy.

Connect teams from anywhere in the world on any device. JetStream creates secure communication channels between on-premise, cloud, desktop, and mobile devices.

Communication at airlines today relies on expensive, slow, and insecure communication channels. The friction involved in effectively communicating leads to delays, disappointed passengers, and lost revenue.

JetStream enables crews and operational support staff to share messages, documents, and photos/videos with each other securely and in real-time.

Delay reductions alone can enable savings of more than £16M annually for an airline.

Mobile. Desktop. WiFi. SatCom.

A communication environment
for every environment.

JetStream is a fully managed communication platform, providing powerful connectivity to mobile devices, desktop computers, and EFB equipment.

Reduced Delays

JetStream saves on average 2 minutes per delay event.

Improve Efficiency

Enable staff to multitask and manage incoming requests with trackable response metrics.

Identify Bottlenecks

Analyse bulk communication metadata with comprehensive reports.

Example benefits for a typical mid-sized airline

of delay events are directly impacted by communication
0 %
minutes of delay directly impacted by poor communication
0 +
5-year savings enabled with JetStream
£ 0 M+

An industry leading solution for industry leading airlines

Capable and reliable.


Aviation is dynamic. JetStream monitors your operational data constantly and let’s the relevant people know when changes impact them. Greater situational awareness leads to proactive delay reduction.

Computer curcuit diagram

Data Security

VHF and ACARS messages can be heard or read by anybody. With JetStream, all communication is securely encrypted in transit to ensure that your sensitive communications remain private.

Manpower Multiplied

With data flow streamlined, employees are more efficient at solving problems when they arise. Metrics are tracked at every step of your operation pipeline, allowing bottlenecks to be identified and rectified.

Man using mobile phone

What about the alternatives?


Slow, expensive, insecure, and impossible to use for staff on the move. ACARS works well while airborne, but during the pre-departure phase, it is limited in capability and flexibility.

VHF Radio

Easily bottlenecked, and requires expensive equipment and frequency licensing. VHF is unencrypted, and is inappropriate for transmitting any sensitive business/customer information.


Currently the only method that can be used to send non-textual information such as loadsheets and photos. Not real-time. Not collaborative.


Slack and Microsoft Teams have a proven ROI for traditional business environments. Airline teams/crews are dynamic and require a platform that can keep with with constant changes.

JetStream is tailored to the specific needs of aviation businesses.

Get Started

It’s easy: all we need is your work email & name.
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Get Started

It’s easy: all we need is your work email & name.
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